I have never been sure about what I think of the king. I realize that by now I should have some idea about whether I like him or not, but my opinion keeps changing. I know he has good intentions sometimes, but I feel he doesn’t know how to do everything right. I feel that the king has not done enough to help the Third Estate, especially when they needed it the most. He and his wife just continued to spend money and not control the economy well, so us people in the Third Estate have had to suffer. The taxes have been increasingly hard for some people to pay and my business has not benefited from that as I have had to raise the price of bread in my store often, losing customers. Throughout the beginning of the revolution, I feel that Louis was too scared to do anything so he just sat back and watched it unfold. I once heard, prior to his execution that he tried to escape with his family. This showed many people, including myself, that he was no longer fit to rule and that his time was over. This was why I was neither surprised when he was put to death nor was I upset about it. Personally, I thought Louis had his chances to step in and do some big changes, even before the revolution, but he never did. I feel that most people of the Third Estate would be happy about his death because he never did anything good for them, so why should they support him. The one thing I wonder is who will take leadership of the country and what he will do in the future. I also wonder if the treatment of the Estates will change because of this.
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