Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Before and After the Revolution

Before the Revolution I was sure that my place in society was to be at the bottom of the chain, in the Third Estate. I belonged there because my parents and my parent’s parents were born into the class, with no chance of moving up to either the Second or First Estates. But now, I feel that I have much more freedom than I did back 10 years ago. At the start of the Revolution I was being heavily taxed. Although I am still being taxed now, everybody, not just the Third Estate is being taxed, which shows more equality among the people. Also, prior to the revolution, the Third Estate really did not have that much power when voting. A vote from the First and Second Estate would count for more than a vote from the Third Estate, even though the Third Estate included almost all of France’s population. After, voting would be done by head which would, again, give the Third Estate more power and equality while voting. Another idea before the Revolution I did not like was that members of the Third Estate could not hold political positions. I didn’t like that at all because my dream one day is to hold some political position. After the revolution, members of the Third Estate were granted more freedom and they were allowed to hold a political position, which means that maybe one day my dream will come true. Before the revolution there was not much freedom of religion and press, but those were promoted more throughout the revolution. Overall, I liked the results from the French Revolution, although I didn’t like some of the ways in which points were made during it. After, I feel like I have so much more freedom in society and there is much more equality between the classes. Honestly, I hope it stays this way for a while because I like who I am and what I have to offer to society, even though I am not the richest man in town. I believe that the French Revolution was very beneficial to France. I think that almost everybody took something, whether it was positive or negative, away from the revolution. I feel like there are not going to be problems with the government for a while because many people like the person who rose to power after the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte. I hope that he will do great things for the county of France and I am looking forward for what he has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. What made your blog successful was the way in which you seamlessly interwove the historical facts with some imaginative flourish. This represents the type of depth and analysis that I wanted to see in this project. Excellent work.
