Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who am I?

My name is Robert Custeau and I am a member of the Third Estate. I was a 25 year old man at the start of the French Revolution with a wife and two kids, both of which were very young then. We live in a pretty large city which is not too far from Paris. I am a baker and in my opinion, I make the best bread in the city, but the income I make is not large enough to support my wife and kids all the time. I also feel that the taxes are way too high, and sometimes people can’t buy my bread because they spend most of their money on the taxes and then there is none left for bread and then I don’t get any money. Plus, I feel I have to raise the price of bread often, too. Along the lines of taxes, I feel that everybody, not just the Third Estate should be taxed because I believe all people should be treated more equally. My dream, one day, is to hold some political position (even though I am uneducated) because I am interested in government, but that is not possible with the current policies. I feel that there is change in the air and that people are going to do something big and I want to be a part of it.

1 comment:

  1. A thorough profile of who you are. Looking forward to reading more.
